7401 Main St. Queenstown, MD 21658
Sunday Service 10:15am

Secret Church Simulcast


Join us as we watch this year’s installment of Secret Church!

We recommend showing up at 6:30 to get your seat, load up on snacks, and get ready for the ‘fire hydrant of God’s Word!’  As this is a simulcast, the video will start promptly at 7:00, so you don’t want to be late!  Dress in comfortable cloths, and get ready to be immersed in non-stop Biblical teaching.

Check out the trailer for the event here:  http://www.radical.net/secret-church/simulcast

Snacks and plenty of coffee will be provided.  There is no childcare available for this event.

There is a recommended donation of $10 per person to cover the cost of the Study Guide (it’s OK to share as couples).